
Manufacture of commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment, heat pumps and air handling units.

ALPENTA s.r.o. is one of the leading manufacturers of equipment for refrigeration, heating and air conditioning in the Czech Republic. Behind the rapid development of ALPENTA s.r.o. are people with many years of experience in the HVACR industry. The main driver of our company’s growth is building strong relationship with professional partners in design, distribution and installation of technological equipment.

The majority of our production is intended for export. Our equipment ensures comfort in shopping center buildings, hospitals, data centers and other commercial and sports facilities. We also supply cooling units for industrial use 

The company ALPENTA s.r.o. was founded in 2019 with the aim of manufacturing cooling devices and condensing units for air conditioning systems of commercial buildings. To realize this goal, the first liquid chillers and condensing units using Scroll compressors were developed.

The company further invested mainly in technological development, the possibility of prototyping new devices and their testing in various operating conditions. Our own control system ACS (ALPENTA Control System) was gradually developed using Schneider Electric programmable logic controllers. The liquid chillers were subsequently modified for the possibility of application of modern energy-saving technologies such as  freecooling, heat recovery, etc.

The development of heat pumps was a logical next step in supplementing the product portfolio. All type ranges of liquid chillers were supplemented with reverse versions for heating the liquid as the air-water system.

The product range was also expaded to include water-to-water chillers and heat pumps, and the company also implemented a number of special applications for low temperature cooling and freezing. The complex range of products thus stands out in terms of customizable equipment options, energy configurations and performance and is able to meet the demanding requirements of customers within a number of specific cooling and heating projects.

The wide range of ALPENTA products thus includes commercial and industrial liquid chillers, condensing units, heat pumps and air handling units. Design of optimal configuration and it is possible to select the configuration and design calculation of the optimal solution in the AlpentaSel design software, where thousands of different configurations of HVACR equipment are available.

Our products are manufactured in the production plant in Rychnov nad Kněžnou, in the Czech Republic. All the used technological components are of industrial quality and of European origin, which also ensures long-term access to spare parts.


Company profile

We are constantly developing technology and control system for refrigeration units in order to increase energy efficiency and reliability. Our own test station enables operational analysis of chiller work at different energy load and conditions. ALPENTA air-cooled chillers are standardly designed with the possibility of applying a freecooling system – from the smallest sizes of SAC1 units to the largest AAC18 type units.

Reversible chillers with heat pump function are suitable for aplications with energy demand from 10 kW to large commercial buildings such as airports, shopping centers or hospitals. Each chiller is subjected to a functional test when finalizing the production process. Our experience, a wide range of versions in all model lines, agile production strategy and our commitment allow us to individually address complex cooling needs.

The main customer segments using ALPENTA technologies include:

Quality management

The issue of quality plays a primary role in the technologically and procedurally intensive production of refrigeration equipment. In the long term, we implement a policy of continuous quality improvement in all aspects of the organization’s management. ALPENTA cooperates with an accredited independent inspection and certification body, Authorized Body Number 259 and Notified Body Number 1735 based in Prague, which is part of the TÜV Austria Group.

All our products are certified for compliance with the requirements of the directives of the European Parliament. The internal comprehensive quality assurance system AMS (ALPENTA Management System) was assessed and subsequently certified in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of the ČSN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Social responsibility

We see social responsibility in the economic, social and environmental fields as an integral part of our corporate policy.

The company ALPENTA s.r.o. adopts this code of ethics as a set of core values ​​and approaches to business that they follow in their business activities. The company ranks among its most important tasks the maintenance of good reputation and trust of all stakeholders.
Adherence to the company’s code of ethics is its moral obligation governing the conduct of employees towards the company, customers and other business partners, government agencies and the public. The company carries out all activities ethically and with good intentions in strict compliance with all legal standards.Dodržování etického kodexu ze strany společnosti je jejím morálním závazkem upravujícím jednání zaměstnanců vůči společnosti, odběratelům a ostatním obchodním partnerům, orgánům státní správy a veřejnosti. Společnost realizuje všechny aktivity eticky a s dobrými úmysly za přísného dodržování všech zákonných norem.

Honesty and equality towards customers are considered by the company to be the basis of a successful and lasting business relationship. The company ensures that its products comply with the declared quality parameters and requirements contained in national and international standards.

  • The company is aware of the importance of the timeliness of all deliveries.
  • The Company will not use any means other than business to attempt to sell its products methods legitimately recognized.
  • The company considers corrupt practices of any kind to be unacceptable.
  • Customer information is considered confidential by the company.
  • The Company does not use any means other than legitimately recognized business methods when purchasing products, etc., and never abuses its market position..
  • The company considers corrupt practices of any kind to be unacceptable.
  • The company respects all contractual arrangements and payment morale.
  • All information about relationships with its suppliers is considered confidential by the company.

Employee relations are based on respect for the dignity of each human being. The Company recruits and promotes employees on the basis of their fitness for the job without any political, racial, religious or national discrimination, regardless of gender, age, status, or incapacity that does not relate to work tasks. The company does not tolerate sexual, physical or psychological harassment of employees.
The company strives to create a hygienically safe, safe working environment, a favorable working climate and favorable conditions for increasing the professional level of employees. The company requires employees to follow the principles of safe work, compliance and use of the established working time fund. The company requires that in relation to the company’s assets, employees do not act in conflict with the legitimate interests of the employer and properly manage the entrusted funds in the interest of protecting the employer’s property. Information that employees obtain about the company in the course of their work may not be used for personal gain or for any purpose other than that for which it was intended.
The company ensures regular remuneration of its employees for work performed, including the proper payment of wages within the agreed deadlines. The company promotes as a basic strategy competition in the market based on the product itself, the quality of services offered and price competitiveness. Therefore, disproportionate hosting or donations to suppliers and customers, as well as accepting disproportionate gifts and hospitality from customers or suppliers, is strictly prohibited.
In the company, negotiation procedures are preferably used to resolve possible labor disputes between the company and employees.

In its business activities, the company also takes into account the interests of the wider social environment, including national and regional interests. The company communicates with state administration bodies using true information about the company. The company takes care of proper bookkeeping and timely payment of its financial obligations to state and local government bodies.
The company individually considers and is open to charitable activities and sponsorship of amateur sports.

The company has a constant interest in improving the quality of the environment. The company actively participates in eliminating the consequences of its business activities and, by adjusting technological procedures, seeks to minimize the impact of the production process on the environment. The company informs its surroundings about its environmental program. The company respects the standards set for waste, emissions, etc. in its business activities.

The company acts vigorously but honestly in the competition. The company does not damage the reputation of competitors. The company ensures that employees in contact with competitors respect the confidentiality of business information or other confidential information. The company does not attempt to obtain information about competitors’ business in dishonest ways. The company does not use restrictive business practices.

Employees are obliged to protect the company’s assets and ensure their effective use. Unauthorized personal use of company property of all kinds is strictly prohibited. Employees have a duty to maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the company or its clients even after termination of employment. Employees are required to provide accurate and complete information to company executives, internal and independent auditors, and all other persons authorized to obtain information.

Each manager is responsible for acquainting his subordinates with the content of the code. The value framework of the company’s management is based on the assumption that employees can express their opinions about the behavior of the company or its employees or about decisions that they consider unethical. The management of the company deals with all suggestions and information in connection with the violation of this code of ethics and, if necessary, also ensures that appropriate measures are taken.


Environmental policy

The company ALPENTA s.r.o. is a manufacturer of refrigeration equipment. The company’s mission is primarily to meet customer requirements through the production and supply of reliable and high-quality refrigeration equipment at a competitive price. Minimal environmental impacts are one of the key core values ​​of the company’s operations

Principles of environmental and energy policy
