Air-cooled liquid chillers

Highly efficient devices for commercial and industrial use with liquid cooling requirements. Units equipped with Flat top fan installation are intended for a wide range of applications at operating conditions from -25°C to 45°C.

The units meet the energy requirements specified in the regulations for Energy-related Products (ErP) and have high seasonal efficiency coefficients. Additional energy configurations are available in the selection software.

Technological advantages

HP Dynamic Setpoint – smooth control of high pressure depending on the load maximizes energy efficiency. Electronic control of the injection of the evaporator expansion valves increases the efficiency of the exchangers.

ACS – ALPENTA Control System – dynamic high pressure setting value and several limiting functions maximize efficiency at part load and in outdoor conditions close to operating limits.

ASS – ALPENTA Selection Software – allows you to design hundreds of energy configurations so that the device meets individual requirements for energy efficiency or other specific technical requirements of the project.

Technologie Scroll – units are equipped with high efficiency scroll compressors.

RS485 Modbus for cooperation with the superior system, automatic data recording on microSD and the possibility of extension with the Mater/Slave function.

Flat top EC – best performance in its class. The fully integrated EC fans have been developed using CFD (advanced flow simulation) and ensure optimal air flow on the suction and discharge side of the impeller along with noise reduction.


Standard equipment
Optional accessories