Manufacture of commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment, heat pumps and air handling units

Alpenta is one of the leading companies in the production of HVAC equipment in the Czech Republic.

The development of Alpenta is due to people with many years of experience in the HVAC industry. The basic engine of our company’s growth is building strong relationships with professional partners in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment distribution. Most of our production is intended for export. Our products supply air conditioning systems in airport buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, data centers and other commercial buildings. We also supply refrigeration units for industrial use in storage and production – for the food industry, plastics production, pharmaceutical industry, etc.

Chladiče kapalin

Vzduchem chlazené chladiče kapalin Bezkondenzátorové chladiče kapalin
Vodou chlazené chladiče kapalin

Tepelná čerpadla

Reverzibilní tepelná čerpadla vzduch-voda
Nízkoteplotní tepelná čerpadla vzduch-voda


Sestavné vzduchotechnické jednotky
Kompaktní vzduchotechnické jednotky

Chladiče kapalin

Vzduchem chlazené chladiče kapalin Bezkondenzátorové chladiče kapalin
Vodou chlazené chladiče kapalin

Tepelná čerpadla

Reverzibilní tepelná čerpadla vzduch-voda
Nízkoteplotní tepelná čerpadla vzduch-voda


Sestavné vzduchotechnické jednotky
Kompaktní vzduchotechnické jednotky

Individual solutions


Our flexible organization allows us to respond to individual requirements and non-standard needs of a specific project. An individual, tailor-made system designed for a specific application guarantees the customer the best possible solution without compromise.

Equipment can be designed to meet the needs of a given project to:

Liquid chillers

Air-cooled liquid chillers
Condenserless liquid chillers
Water-cooled liquid chillers

Heat pumps

Air-water heat pumps
Low temperature air-water heat pumps


Air handling

Modular air handling units
Compact air handling units


What is currently happening?
